I've lost my groove. Been a busy week, so I haven't been able to work on anything. I was going to work on things today, but then some urgent things came up at my day job.
But honestly, not the worst thing. I need a little bit of time to breathe, figure out my priorities, and do a bit of planning.
Speaking of planning, I've been trying a new system: index cards. I was getting overwhelmed with task apps. It's so easy to just put a bunch of things in and have a never ending list. So, now, I'm trying index cards. When I'm planning a feature, I make sure everything fits onto an index card. If it doesn't fit, it needs to be rethought, reprioritized, or broken up. This helps me make sure my backlog doesn't get too long. Physically limiting tasks also helps prevent scope creep—it better be important if it's going to take up space on this card. It seems to be a good system so far. I'm going to keep trying it out and tweaking it.