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With May the 4th coming up, I thought I take a look at the Star Wars sets that have been announced and see what I'm excited for.
75382 UCS TIE Interceptor™
The only UCS set I have is Slave I. Ever since I dropped the ball on getting the UCS A-wing, I've been looking for my next UCS set. While I think the TIE Interceptor looks incredible at this scale, Empire ships are not my favorite. So I don't think I'll be getting this one.
75381 Droideka™
Looks great. Love that it appears to be able to roll up. The mini Droideka looks a bit like a miss to me—kinda awkward. I'm more of a ships guy, so I'll probably pass on this.
40676 The Phantom Menace™ BrickHeadz
Insta-buy for me. I think they nailed the design for each character. Anakin's helmet looks especially well done.
75380 Mos Espa Podrace™ Diorama
Anakin's podracer was one of the first Star Wars sets in my house as a kid, so I've got some nostalgia for it. And I was incredibly jealous of that kid at school who got the set with 3 podracers in it. This diorama looks pretty good to me. I don't have any of the other dioramas. Maybe I'm should start collecting them? I'll put this in the "will consider category."
40675 Clone Commander Cody™ BrickHeadz
For $10, another insta-buy.
75383 Darth Maul's Sith Infiltrator™
The original Sith Infiltrator was also one of my first Star Wars sets back in 1999. My favorite part was Darth Maul's speeder. I build so many of those. This version is a miss for me. It just doesn't look right to me. And IMO, the 1999 version of the speeder is more accurate. I'm going to pass.
75378 BARC Speeder™ Escape
I would only get this on sale and for the troopers. I probably would've loved this 25 years ago though.
5008878 The Force of Creativity
This is the book you get to prove you the bigger LEGO Star Wars fan and I'm really tempted by it. Having to wait until July to actually get it will be hard. But I've waited longer for books. This is filed under "seriously considering."
40686 Trade Federation Troop Carrier
This one confuses me a bit. Would make more sense if they were releasing a new MTT as well. But looks like a good GWP.
30680 AAT ™
Looks like a fun polybag. Actually have been trying to find one at Target, so as a GWP seems to be the best way to get it.
I think I hyped up this year's May the 4th in my head. Being 25 years of LEGO Star Wars, I think I was expecting a bit more? Not many minifigs, which seems odd to me. The GWPs don't seem like anything special. There's definitely some solid sets here, but I'm kinda hoping we'll see more. Maybe there are more surprises coming.